A Unique Ecosystem Easter Island gives me a unique opportunity to draw valuable and relevant conclusions for business resilience and...
READ MOREFacts can change. The foundation of any good decision should be the facts, so how should we build a fact based culture in a business?
Staff are the core of any business, without them we all might as well shut up shop and go home. However across many economies, organisations are struggling to recruit and retain staff against multiple headwinds of demographic change which are global in nature but local in impact.
How to move from Risk Forecasting to Resilience Thinking. There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don’t know we don’t know.
How can an organisation build adaptive capability to improve it’s resilience. Strategies including product-as-a-service, agile manufacturing, mutual support, and Auftragstaktik can contribute to preparations for disruption to give an organisation the ability to survive and create new opportunity.
Building community resilience is one concrete way we can create a more resilient organisation. By preparing ahead of disruption, communities and the organisations they contain can resist disruption, respond effectively and make positive changes as a result.
A 20-20 rear view of disruption and electric vehicle charging. Disruptions are often seen as bad, to be avoided and minimised, resilience is about more than just weathering disruption but seeing it as an opportunity
3 Lessons for business resilience from Easter Island. Will we continue to optimise today without considering the future and continue blindly with business as usual? Or will we learn the lessons of maintaining outward views, incentivising the correct decisions and creating sustainable innovation strategies to build resilience into our organisations?
We believe organisation’s must be resilient to survive and be sucessful. How? By building strength, resilience capability and taking advantage from disruption. In today’s world it’s a strategic imperative.
by Paul Hancock | Apr 2, 2018
A Unique Ecosystem Easter Island gives me a unique opportunity to draw valuable and relevant conclusions for business resilience and...