Optimise Your ORganisanisation's Resilience Today!
Take the first Step.
How Resilient Is Your Organisation?
Before taking any action to improve resilience, take stock of where you currently are using an accepted resilience assessment.
Our assessment is based on the British Standard for Organisational Resilience BS 65000, this 3 minute check-up gives an initial sense of your organisation’s current resilience maturity.
You can complete it anonymously or get a personalised report with your resilience maturity level assessment.
You’ll probably be surprised, but just by visiting us you’ve taken the first step to improving your resilience level!
A Business Imperative
The Numbers Don’t Lie
Surveys show the benefits of resilience, but our respondents survey results show that in the majority of organisations it is at the lowest possible level of maturity according to BS 65000.
Take the next step to improving your resilience maturity level by downloading the resilience landscape.
Resilience building is a priority for leaders